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Fall Warblers


It is that time of year again. Fall migration has started, and warblers have hit their peak. From here, it is the long slow descent into Yellow-rumped Warbler domination. This last weekend, I saw my first Yellow-rumps of the season. Soon, they will be the dominant fall migrant.

In between processing photos from Ecuador, I slipped out to enjoy some of fall migration. It seems that peak hit right in the middle of the month, just as it is always predicted to do. I have seen a number of good birds. Unfortunately, most of them have been way too high to be photographed. At least they have been moving through in good numbers. The photos below are from the past three weekends. I spent all my time at Eagle Creek Park. I keep promising myself I will bird a bit more local, but it is easier to go where I know what to expect. Soon (very soon), it will be time to slip out for sparrows. I always look forward to that. For now, it is good to enjoy some of the beautiful fall warblers (and other species) migrating through Indiana.

Thanks for reading,





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