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Let's Not Call It a Comeback

Updated: Oct 31, 2022


I know it has been a while. I have really just not had much to post about. I spent a lot of weekends looking for a new house. I then spent a lot of weekends working on the new house. I am moved in but barely even have feeders hanging. Things have been that busy. That is not to say that I have not made it out birding. It is just that birding has been a bit challenging. Apparently, I am also a little rusty after not having picked up the camera for a little while. I have struggled.

This year has been a odd one, for sure. Spring migration started about a week early. I am not really sure when fall migration peaked. Seems like the day I moved into the new house was about the best day reported. I hit a couple days that were decent. One of my best days was one of my last days at the old house. Looking out the office window during an online meeting, I glanced into the buckeye tree in time to spot a warbler bounce into it. It was a Black-throated Green Warbler. That bird was shortly followed by a female Black-throated Blue Warbler. Then a Canada Warbler bounced by. Finally, a Tennessee Warbler shuffled through. A few minute later, they all paraded through again and disappeared. It was like a final goodbye from all the good birds there. In some ways, I will miss that place.

So, about that birding. When I made it out, I went to Eagle Creek. I was short on time most days, and I blindly stuck to habit. It was not the best year for fall birding there, though. The dogwood berries never really formed. Many were little, hard, gray/green lumps that never formed into white berries. I do not know if this impacted things or not. I do know I did not see as many birds in their usual spots. It took a lot more work to find birds this year. By all appearances, I did not work hard enough. Truth be told, I have slowed down a bit. Birding is a hobby for me. As much as I enjoy it, it is not always easy to make the time for it. With the decreased effort comes less results. Maybe once I get settled into the new place, things will be easier. Until then, I will share when I have photos worth sharing.

Which segues us to the photo portion of this blog. Let's face it. That is what really matters, here. All pictures are from Eagle Creek Park. They span from 9/4 all the way to 10/2. Enjoy!

As always, thanks for reading,





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