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Not a Bad Start


Off to a decent start for the new year. Timing has been a bit off. Sick over the holidays and then had to do some make-up gatherings for the missed holidays. I finally made it out with the camera last weekend.

What was I shooting? One of my favorites. Based on the number of posts and comments online from others, it is a favorite of many. Short-eared Owl. Finally feeling better and free of social commitments, I made it out last Sunday to shoot, but the weather and lighting was poor. I wanted better light. Disappointed, I did not even look at my photos when I got home. Instead, I plotted to get out of work early on Tuesday, when the weather forecast looked really nice. Tuesday did have much better light. About an hour before sunset, right as the light was turning really golden, a cloud bank moved in on the horizon. Suddenly, it was too dark to shoot. While I had great light, I was sure I wanted some nice perched shots. The funny thing about human nature is that it appears you just never quite know what you want most of the time. After going through photos, I think I wanted better flight photos in better light. Maybe next time - until I change my mind, again.

In retrospect, I wanted this shot in better light. Regardless, one of my favorites from the two days.

Weekend plans are a bit up in the air. If the Mountain Bluebird sticks, I would like to chase that. It would be a nice to start the year with a new state bird. Otherwise, maybe I will get a chance to work on those better light flight shots!

Thanks for reading,





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